My ”Plague” PC

One year of travel and no social life to speak of makes you re-evaluate certain choices. Your VR/sim setup.

The ol‘ HTC Vive was fine 5 years ago but the HP reverb G2 basically eliminated the screen door effect, but alas my hardware was unable to work with it.

So a new PC it would have to be!

I haven’t built a PC in at least 20 years so that would require some research.. AMD or Intel? nvidia or AMD? Should I buy a GPU or wait for a future without overpriced cards? RAM? Motherboards (soooo many choices) ? Case? HDD? PSU?


Well I was firm about one thing: Nobody.. ABSOLUTELY nobody needs a PC that looked like a unicorn just vomited into the case displaying its cyberpunkesqe interior…

No further comment!


…in Schweden fordert man die Einführung einer Karantänezeit für Politiker und hohe Beamte, wenn sie in die private Wirtschaft wechseln (Beraterverträge).

Während Deutschland noch nichtmal internationale Antikorruptionsverträge ratifiziert….

Schlechtes Gewissen

Ich sitze gerade auf einem Vortrag über Brandschutz. Ich denke ich muss mal die Feuerlöscher zuhause überprüfen o_O